Dear Baby Max,
You are 8 weeks and 4 days and I still don't think I have you quite figured out. You are SO cute though, that much I know. You started smiling at us 3 1/2 weeks ago and are now giggling. Your little arms and legs are moving at rapid speed when you see any member of your family. You love the bears above the changing table...just like your brother did and you LOVE your baths. The evenings are your crankiest times and the bears and baths are a lifesaver for all of us!

We put you in your room for the first time last night. You did a good job in there...went from 10:00 to 4:15 before you needed to eat! What a treat for me!
You sat in your Bumbo seat for the first time today! You seemed to like it.... for a few minutes anyway. Which seems to be how things go for you right like everything for a few minutes and then need a change..keeps me on my toes. Noah tries to make you happy too...he oohs and ahhs at you and you ooh and ahh right back! You two are adorable together!

Love you,