My Max,
You are the sweetest little pea ever! You had your 4 month doctor appointment today and were such a calm guy...until the shots happened! Then, you screamed like no other, but who can blame you!! You are now 15 lbs (50th percentile) and 24 3/4 inches (50-75th percentile). You have been eating rice cereal once a day for the past week and seem to tolerate it, but don't seem to love it. You smile and giggle all the time and it makes my heart melt.
Mommy got to go on a mini vacation with her girlfriends last weekend and you stayed home with Daddy and Noah. Gramma Mary came in town to help out for a few nights and got to put you to bed two nights in a row. You still wake up once around 5 am to eat and then are back to bed until 7am. You take two 2 hour naps a day and a 30 minute catnap in the evening. You still hate the car and I really wish you would get that under's stressful driving around with you screaming in the back!
You rolled over for the first time today and did it over and over again after that! You can do it from your belly to your back on your own, but I had to help you get to your belly first.
Love you,