Sunday, September 20, 2009

Summer 2009

Baby Max,
Here are a few things that will always remind me of the summer you were 9 months old:

1. You are SO sweet..we call you Sweet Sweet
2. You love to dance (especially to the Wiggles)
3. You love to clap
4. You are trying SO hard to walk and are takind 4-6 steps at a time on your own
5. You can do the sign for "more" and laugh when I show you the signs for "All done", "cat", and "drink"
6. You love and strongly dislike your brother all at the same time
7. You can ride in a wagon while holding on like a big boy
8. You love to walk and push things
9. You love to splash
10. You LOVE people food (as opposed to baby food)
11. You have 6 teeth and seem to be working on getting a few more right now
12. You love to snuggle, especially when you're tired
13. You love your lovey the lion to snuggle with (and your paci..not to snuggle with, but just love it)
14. You love animals, especially little dogs and cats
15. You hate getting your diaper changed
16. You smile and laugh a lot
17. You love your family and we love you!
