Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Potty trained!

My Max,

You are potty trained!!!! You wear your cute little undies all day now (except at nap and bedtime) and even told you teacher that when you had to go 3 times today! Yippeee! It is so nice to have two kids out of diapers most of the day! One problem: you freak out when you have to go poopie. You ask for a diaper, but I'm trying to keep you out of them, so you end up going in your undies or on the floor : ) You won't even sit on the potty...we'll keep trying! Sounds gross, but you're so stinkin' cute and your my baby, so anything goes!
Something that melts my heart is when you get out of the tub you curl up on the floor on a "cozy" (your words) towel and "nuggle". So precious!

Climbing is your passion lately! We find you in the most peculiar places and as cute as you might be, this is driving me NUTS. Get down PLEASE!

Love you my almost 2 year old,

Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Dear Max (aka Robin),

This past month has been full of fall activities and lots of growing on your part! You had your first ear infection, had a girlfriend over (Sofia...fia as you call her with a HUGE smile of your face), and went trick-or-treating! You weren't very nice to poor Fia, but thank goodness your big brother stepped up and treated Sofia as a Redders boy should! You must've been playing hard to get! Look out girls!
Halloween was too fun this year! You didn't really love being Robin (you kept complaining about your costume being too tight), but you did LOVE the trick-or-treating and candy! You have a major sweet tooth...you had no chance being that you have me and your dad as parents..I love the chocolate, dad loves the sweet stuff, and you love it ALL!
The next door neighbors had a rat that you wanted to hold SO bad! You touched that thing with such excitement and loved it's tail....eeeewwww.

You have also been potty training yourself! We are so impressed with you and your ability to tell us when you need to go (most of the time)! You've had a few accidents but immediately head to the potty once you've gone in your pants : ) Nice try!
As you can see from the pictures, you LOVE to climb and are not afraid of anything (except you do hate the fireplace and beg for us to turn it off!). You also don't seem to feel like rules apply to you (take after a dad and grandma I know! as you will climb on everything even though I've told you not to 100 times!
My favorite thing that you do these days though is "nuggle". You'll come up to me, take my hand, and say, "Tum on, I wanna nuggle", as you pull me to the couch. Ahhhh, melts my heart!
Love you,