My Max,
You are potty trained!!!! You wear your cute little undies all day now (except at nap and bedtime) and even told you teacher that when you had to go 3 times today! Yippeee! It is so nice to have two kids out of diapers most of the day! One problem: you freak out when you have to go poopie. You ask for a diaper, but I'm trying to keep you out of them, so you end up going in your undies or on the floor : ) You won't even sit on the potty...we'll keep trying! Sounds gross, but you're so stinkin' cute and your my baby, so anything goes!
Something that melts my heart is when you get out of the tub you curl up on the floor on a "cozy" (your words) towel and "nuggle". So precious!
Climbing is your passion lately! We find you in the most peculiar places and as cute as you might be, this is driving me NUTS. Get down PLEASE!
Love you my almost 2 year old,