My Max,
Here we are, a month later and I'm just now writing again! At least it's better than a year later! You are definitely in the midst of your terrible two's this past month. You are generally so sweet and easy going, but this month has been a bit more challenging! You are talking a TON and have NO problem telling me what you like and don't like! Some of the whining has come back and we are ready for our sweet Max to come back!
When you are rested and happy, you are so funny and charming! You were GREAT at t-ball and got your first trophy this weekend. You were one of the youngest ones on your team and hanging in there with the best of them! You love sports and anything to do with a ball!
The 4th of July was so fun with you this year! Obsessed with the fireworks is an understatement! You loved them.....BUT, you did get a little burn on your foot when a piece of the sparkler you were holding fell. That put a damper on things for a bit, but once you figured out you could just wear a sock on that foot, you were good to go! You hate bandaids!
You graduated to a big boy bed, but instead of sleeping in yours, you have made your way to Noah's bed and now sleep with him every night. Then, you wake him up at 6am and you guys play in his room until the night light sun come on. Poor Noah! Actually, I know he likes having you in there with him too!
Daddy buzzed your hair and you are adorable. It makes you look like a little doll and I can't stop kissing your head! Most of the time you let me, but you are starting to push me away every now and then and I see you growing up! You still let me snuggle with you on the couch and like to hold my hand! You and I also pretend to be kitty cats snuggle up too...weird, but kind of our thing!
Here's to one more month of summer and you getting out of the terrible two's!!!
Love you,