There have been many firsts this past month. It is exciting to see your first two teeth come in, you trying so hard to roll from your back to your stomach, you eating baby food, and you discovering your voice and laughter. BUT, it does force me to take a step back and marvel at how fast these months have flown by. You are 5 months and growing up so quick. As much as I look forward to you being able to play more with your brother, the idea of you not being my baby makes me sad!

You have also started going between 6 and 7 hours now before needing to be fed in the night...believe it or not, that's an improvement. Last night you slept from the dream feed at 10:30 to 4:30 before waking up, Daddy put the paci in and you slept for another hour. So, it's slowly getting better. We are ready for a full night of sleep NOW!
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