Dear Max,

You sometimes still act like a newborn (not sleeping through the night...STILL) and sometimes act like a toddler (pulling up on EVERYTHING and wanting to walk so bad)! You are 8 months old, weigh 20 lbs, and started crawling on July 21st, the day you turned 8 months. You have 6 teeth and seem to be working on two more. You LOVE cheerios and shovel them in by the handful. I'm working on you saying Mamma and Dadda, but so far the most you want to say is GaGa and some other babbling sounds. I've hears some p's and b's, but nothing that makes any sense yet. You are growing up and it's bittersweet!

You've had a rash on your bum for over a month, we tried a few things, nothing worked, took you to the doc and they think it's a rash from the chlorine in the pool (sensitive skin just like your daddy!). It's clearing up and you seem much happier as a result!
You laugh a lot, especially at your brother and when we have family dance parties. You're a little mischievous..I turned my back to help Noah with something and the next thing I knew, you dumped your food all over your highchair and seemed to be rolling in it!

You and Daddy got to spend a whole 3 days together when Noah and I went to KC. You had fun with him, and he found some old toys we'd forgotten about. I know you both enjoyed spending some one on one time.
