Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Max!

My Baby Boy,

I don't think I can call you a baby anymore. You have turned 1 (loved your cake) and since I haven't written in a few months a lot has changed!

You are walking, trying to jump, climbing on everything, and trying to run (mostly to catch your brother or to run away from him). You still love to snuggle and have the most adorable dimples when you smile.

We finally were able to get rid of the swing about a month ago, so you nap in your bed. AND, we can just put you in there awake and you'll put yourself to sleep...what a good guy you are. Now, don't get me wrong, you have your moments too. You have become quite opinionated and when things don't go your way you'll yell or throw something...temper, temper. BUT, for some reason those gleaming, big, brown eyes and those darn dimples seem to melt me and I find myself giggling at you instead of disciplining you...rascal!

You are precious and we are so lucky to have you!



Sunday, September 20, 2009

Summer 2009

Baby Max,
Here are a few things that will always remind me of the summer you were 9 months old:

1. You are SO sweet..we call you Sweet Sweet
2. You love to dance (especially to the Wiggles)
3. You love to clap
4. You are trying SO hard to walk and are takind 4-6 steps at a time on your own
5. You can do the sign for "more" and laugh when I show you the signs for "All done", "cat", and "drink"
6. You love and strongly dislike your brother all at the same time
7. You can ride in a wagon while holding on like a big boy
8. You love to walk and push things
9. You love to splash
10. You LOVE people food (as opposed to baby food)
11. You have 6 teeth and seem to be working on getting a few more right now
12. You love to snuggle, especially when you're tired
13. You love your lovey the lion to snuggle with (and your paci..not to snuggle with, but just love it)
14. You love animals, especially little dogs and cats
15. You hate getting your diaper changed
16. You smile and laugh a lot
17. You love your family and we love you!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Walking already?

Baby Max,

You took your first steps over the weekend (8 1/2 months old)! You took one step on Saturday and two steps in a row on Sunday. You smiled so big when you did it and knew you were onto something neat! I wonder how much longer it will be before you're off and running! I'm not sure I'm ready for this!

Keep on truckin',


Monday, July 27, 2009

Newborn or Toddler?

Dear Max,

You sometimes still act like a newborn (not sleeping through the night...STILL) and sometimes act like a toddler (pulling up on EVERYTHING and wanting to walk so bad)! You are 8 months old, weigh 20 lbs, and started crawling on July 21st, the day you turned 8 months. You have 6 teeth and seem to be working on two more. You LOVE cheerios and shovel them in by the handful. I'm working on you saying Mamma and Dadda, but so far the most you want to say is GaGa and some other babbling sounds. I've hears some p's and b's, but nothing that makes any sense yet. You are growing up and it's bittersweet!
You've had a rash on your bum for over a month, we tried a few things, nothing worked, took you to the doc and they think it's a rash from the chlorine in the pool (sensitive skin just like your daddy!). It's clearing up and you seem much happier as a result!

You laugh a lot, especially at your brother and when we have family dance parties. You're a little mischievous..I turned my back to help Noah with something and the next thing I knew, you dumped your food all over your highchair and seemed to be rolling in it!

You and Daddy got to spend a whole 3 days together when Noah and I went to KC. You had fun with him, and he found some old toys we'd forgotten about. I know you both enjoyed spending some one on one time.


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mr. Teeth!

Baby Max,

It's been way too long, once again, since I've written to you. You are almost 7 months old already and have 4 teeth in that adorable mouth of yours. You have been a BEAR the past few weeks getting your top 2 teeth. You started sleeping through the night when Mommy and Daddy were on vacation. But since then (3 weeks ago) you've started waking up again at all hours of the night and wanting to start your (our) days at 5 am...aghhhh, when will you give us some rest?!

You are getting so big and weighed 18lbs at your 6 month appointment and measured 26 3/4 inches long placing you in the 50-75th percentile. Your head, however, is huge and measured 46 1/4 cm and is in the 95th percentile...smartie!

You love music, jumping in the jumperoo, teletubbies (sad, I know, but it's the only thing that keeps you happy in the car), your Daddy, and pretty much anything your big brother does. You light up when you see him! You love drinking out of sippy cups and even big boy cups. You're trying to crawl and seem to get pretty frustrated when you can't get moving. I'm not sure I want you to master it or not, but I do think you will love to scoot around and try to keep up with Noah.

Overall, you're still so darn cute that it's hard to stay frustrated with you for long! We are happy to have you!

Love you,

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Many firsts!

Baby Max,

There have been many firsts this past month. It is exciting to see your first two teeth come in, you trying so hard to roll from your back to your stomach, you eating baby food, and you discovering your voice and laughter. BUT, it does force me to take a step back and marvel at how fast these months have flown by. You are 5 months and growing up so quick. As much as I look forward to you being able to play more with your brother, the idea of you not being my baby makes me sad!

You have also started going between 6 and 7 hours now before needing to be fed in the night...believe it or not, that's an improvement. Last night you slept from the dream feed at 10:30 to 4:30 before waking up, Daddy put the paci in and you slept for another hour. So, it's slowly getting better. We are ready for a full night of sleep NOW!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Giggle Max!

Baby Max,

Here you are at 4 months giggling away. Too cute!

Love you,

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Sweet Pea!

My Max,
You are the sweetest little pea ever! You had your 4 month doctor appointment today and were such a calm guy...until the shots happened! Then, you screamed like no other, but who can blame you!! You are now 15 lbs (50th percentile) and 24 3/4 inches (50-75th percentile). You have been eating rice cereal once a day for the past week and seem to tolerate it, but don't seem to love it. You smile and giggle all the time and it makes my heart melt.

Mommy got to go on a mini vacation with her girlfriends last weekend and you stayed home with Daddy and Noah. Gramma Mary came in town to help out for a few nights and got to put you to bed two nights in a row. You still wake up once around 5 am to eat and then are back to bed until 7am. You take two 2 hour naps a day and a 30 minute catnap in the evening. You still hate the car and I really wish you would get that under's stressful driving around with you screaming in the back!

You rolled over for the first time today and did it over and over again after that! You can do it from your belly to your back on your own, but I had to help you get to your belly first.

Love you,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sweet Baby!

Sweet Baby Max,

You are the sweetest little thing right now! You are giggling and smiling so much now and I love it! You definatley watch your big brother all the time and are very entertained by him. 15 weeks old and still waking up once between 2:00 and 3:00 for your pacifier and then between 4:00 and 6:00 to eat. I sure do wish you would sleep straight thru, but you fall asleep really quick, so that helps! Your reflux seems to be under control most of the time. You still take the medication twice a day and get really stiff if a burp is stuck in you. Your little legs are really want to stand up all the time!

Annie has been watching you every Friday while Noah's at school so I can get some things done out and about in peace....see, you HATE the car. It's very stressful to drive anywhere further than 10 minutes with you! I hope you outgrow this soon.

You are a great napper and only takes you a few minutes to settle down for a nap and 15 mintues to eat..very efficient little guy!

Looking forward to watching your sweet personality continue to grow!

Love you,