I don't think I can call you a baby anymore. You have turned 1 (loved your cake) and since I haven't written in a few months a lot has changed!

You are walking, trying to jump, climbing on everything, and trying to run (mostly to catch your brother or to run away from him). You still love to snuggle and have the most adorable dimples when you smile.

We finally were able to get rid of the swing about a month ago, so you nap in your bed. AND, we can just put you in there awake and you'll put yourself to sleep...what a good guy you are. Now, don't get me wrong, you have your moments too. You have become quite opinionated and when things don't go your way you'll yell or throw something...temper, temper. BUT, for some reason those gleaming, big, brown eyes and those darn dimples seem to melt me and I find myself giggling at you instead of disciplining you...rascal!
You are precious and we are so lucky to have you!
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