Dear Max,

You LOVE sweets! Who doesn't, really? Here is a picture of you eating cinnamon sugar toast.....hmmm, I think you're licking all the sweet stuff and leaving the toast on the plate!
Falling asleep while eating has also happened a few times in your life. I think you try to keep up with the big dogs and sometimes just can't take it anymore...see below!
Daddy's birthday was this week and you wished him Happy Birthday every time you saw him. So sweet! Of course you loved the cake!
You can count to 10 now and can say most of your ABC's. You love Twinkle Twinkle and all of the Wiggles songs! You are having a little trouble with your colors (could you be color blind?). It's weird, we go over them and over them and it's like you've never been taught...makes me wonder.
You still love your paci and lovey. We were down to paci only at nap and bedtime, but once we let you have it in the car during a house showing that was at your nap time and it's back in your life now! Maybe when you're 2....
Til next week,
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