Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Potty Time!

Mr. Max,

You have started going potty on the big boy potty chair and we are amazed! I seem to still think you've just turned 1 and really you are almost 2, so we should be expecting these things from you. But, you still seem like my baby! Sorry!

All of a sudden you are also VERY attached to me. You only want me for everything...bed, getting you out of your booster seat, wiping your face, getting you dressed (well, you really don't want anyone for'd rather run around naked making us chase you!), on and on. You are so sweet with me and I'm am treasuring every minute nuggling with you!

I think you're going to be pretty athletic. You love going to Noah's soccer and karate practices, but I know you'd rather be out there doing it than watching all the action! You are fast and love anything to do with a ball. Swings are also a major obsession of yours these days! You could swing for hours and NEVER want to share it or let anyone else at the park even anywhere near "your" swing.

I love watching you grow up!


Monday, September 20, 2010


Dear Max,

You are ADORABLE! The other night after bathtime you wrapped yourself up in your frog towel and hopped around say "ribbit" in you cute, high pitched voice. You hammed it up for awhile, posing for the camera and then saying "see it, see it" so you could see your pictures. You seem to enjoy dressing up lately....wearing Daddy's glasses, my shoes, Noah's hats....I think you KNOW you're darling!

There are so many things you say throughout the day that I try to remember in order to write them to you. BUT, when I sit down to write at 9:00 at night I can't even remember my name! One thing that does come to me from today is when you and I were heading into the grocery store, you turned around to look in the back of the cart and said "Where Noah?". See, you had fallen asleep in the car and I dropped Noah off at his Dentist appointment with Daddy. You're used to seeing Noah hanging off the back of the cart and when he wasn't there, you missed him! Earlier today you were also missing him when you glanced over and noticed it was just you and I eating lunch together. You said, "Noah seeping?". He was at his friends house and I told you that and you said, "Why"? You didn't seem to understand why on earth he would want to be hanging out with a friend when he could be eating lunch with us!
One thing you don't seem to need is SLEEP! You're like your Aunt Jessie and it's driving me nuts. You like to stay up late and wake up EARLY. You wake up around 6:30am and say "All Done"! Aghhh, then Daddy or I (we take turns, nobody wants to get up that early) rest on your floor for as long as you'll be content in your crib looking at books and playing with whatever we throw in there for you. I wonder if you'll become like one of us and ever sleep in?!

Love you,

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No More Crying!

Dear Max,

You are doing so great at school! Today Daddy dropped you off and you didn't cry AT ALL! They said you didn't use your paci much and you talked a mile a minute! When I came to pick you up I saw you and your buddies walking down the hall, holding onto a rope so you all stay together. The little boy in front of you dropped his rope and you picked it up and held it out for him to get again. He kept "ignoring" this gesture and you kept trying again and again until finally he grabbed it and you guys went on your way down to you classroom. So sweet!

Keep it up!

Love you,

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Weeks of Kids Day Out and Trip to KC!

Hi Max,

You are adjusting to Kids Day Out and LOVE MS. Karen. She's the only one who can get you out of the car without crying! Today was your 4th day and the first time you didn't cry when they got you out of the car! What a relief! Your teachers said you were walking around singing "Happy Birthday" today. I asked if you guys had celebrated a bday in class and they said No! You must have cake on your brain! You love sweets, just like me!

I was so lucky and got to take you to Kansas City last weekend to visit Gramma Marcia, Grampa Paul, Aunt Lindsey, Caden, Aunt Jessie, and Uncle Pat. You had such a great time and were so sweet! It was so much fun to have you alone and get some one on one time with you. You talked a ton and it made me realize how smart you are! You and Caden had a good time together at the park too!

You are really loving to sing lately. As a matter of fact, I heard you walking around singing to yourself last night. I stopped to listen and realized you were singing "Jesus Loves Me". Does my heart good!

Love you,


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where has my little baby gone?

My Maxwell,

Here we are....almost a WHOLE YEAR LATER than the last time I wrote to you! What in the world has happened and where has my little baby gone? You are 21 months and HILARIOUS and a CHARMER with those adorable dimples and precious voice. I really can't recap the past year, so I'm going to make a new start and tell you what you're up to now.

You started Kids Day Out this week and your favorite teacher so far is Ms. Karen (I think she reminds you of our family favorite, Ms. Edna)! You also have two other teachers, Ms. Leslie and Ms. Amy. I'm sure they'll grow on you too! You have developed a strong attachment to your family and do tend to cry for a bit when we leave you. BUT, we got pictures today from your time at school to prove you do calm down and even have some fun! The teacher told me today that you are very verbal! Your voice and sentences are adorable and when I show up to get you, you always say, "Mommy come back" with relief in your voice!

You and Noah have a love-hate relationship right now. You two love to chase each other, play hid and seek, and wrestle. But, you both hate to share certain toys (some days are better than others) and you hate when Noah messes with you (makes toot noises on your arm, back, tummy).

Daddy and I think you are going to be quite an athlete. You LOVE to watch, talk, and play sports already! When we drive by the Lafayette High School track you say, "Football, Soccer, run track". You are fast, tough, and a bit of a scrapper.

One thing that I hope you grow out of real soon is hitting. You have started doing this to kids who are smaller than you or younger (and mostly girls!). It's embarrassing and so not like you! You are so sweet and loving....most of the time!

Love you bunches,